The Origin / by Alexander Lyadov

Sci-fi art from the 70s


Microsoft Word has a Focus mode that makes all the toolbars at the top and bottom disappear, leaving only a black background with a white sheet on it. The blinking cursor seems to be beckoning, saying, “Perfect conditions have been created for you-just go ahead and burn it. But as you move your mouse to the edge of the screen you’re faced with an abundance of tools in all kinds of shapes and colors. Of course, all these commands, boxes and buttons are valuable in their own way, but it’s also obvious that there’s a special value in having nothing at all.

It is the emptiness that proves most fruitful for creativity. Something must first be born out of nothing in order for a tool to be useful in processing it later. Until the first word appears on the page, all these fonts, selections and editing are absolutely useless. They all need an object on which they can express themselves. How can one not think of the biblical “In the beginning was the word,” right? But before there was a first word, there needed to be a focused Creator.

I wouldn’t make this point if I hadn’t seen in my practice all too often how companies miss out on market opportunities and squander their limited resource. The reason? The unfocusedness of the creator, i.e., the founder of the company. Too easily his mind is seduced by various ideas, approaches and technologies from the “toolbox,” forgetting the main function that no one but him is able to perform and that cannot be delegated. Its essence is to be able, at any moment, contrary to arguments, vanity, anxiety and noise, to activate the “Focus” mode inside himself and find himself in the black void in front of a white sheet. This is the origin. This is where true value creation begins. From 0 hatches 1. Which then can be multiplied into a hundred, a million, or a billion.

Yours sincerely,


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