The Joy of Unleashing Potential / by Alexander Lyadov

I've always been fortunate in life to have teachers.

Some of them didn't even realize their role.

One word or action from them was a precious lesson.

They offered it to everyone, but not everyone was willing to accept it.

When I found a teacher, I absorbed the insights with my whole being.

Seeing such eagerness, teachers were even more willing to share with me.

Later, when I started helping people with advice, I understood why.

There's nothing quite like the joy of witnessing, let alone being part of, the realization of someone's or something's potential.

Any gardener, trainer, master, or coach will confirm this for you.

Under what conditions is the unleashing of potential maximized?

Firstly, the teacher must be mature and fulfilled in his own field so as not to be envious of the student.

Secondly, the student must know how to accept with gratitude what is given to him, humbly acknowledging how little he still understands.

And in your life, is there someone who genuinely wishes for you to grow?

Yours sincerely,


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