The Invisible Bridge / by Alexander Lyadov

In the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," there's an insight. Indiana yearns to help his wounded father but can't. ​A chasm separates him from the medicine​.

From the Grail diary, he discovers the solution: a "leap of faith." But what absurdity is this? How? It's certain death!

In despair, Indiana steps into emptiness and... doesn't fall. The invisible bridge spans the abyss. Indiana finds the Holy Grail and saves his father. Indiana finds the Holy Grail and saves his father.

The film illustrates how strangely the world operates.

We can achieve a lot by following proven guidelines perfectly. To get what is priceless, we must first risk losing everything we have.

It's like fate sorts us based on our commitment. Passed the trial? Get the prize. Hesitated? Step aside.

It turns out, without a drop of chaos, the Game of Life would lose it's meaning. It would become completely predictable, and thus boring to death.

"Be a daredevil!" is a false conclusion. We must diligently prepare to avoid the traps that are within our control.

But having done all we can, humbly embrace the residual, indelible risk. It's the price for our free choice.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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