The Game-Changing Question / by Alexander Lyadov

One question radically improved my life.

Imagine this: someone claims, "Capitalism is bad."

You ask, "Compared to what?"

In response, they often stumble or fantasize about socialism.

You see, at the time of the USSR's collapse, I was 19 years old.

So, with my own eyes, I saw:

  • Any initiative crushed,

  • Independent thinking persecuted,

  • People's creative potential squandered.

Despite its obvious flaws, capitalism's a lot better.

Another example: you think, 'I'm such a failure (klutz, fool)!'

Ask yourself, "Compared to whom?"

The thing is, after 30-40 years, your path is like no one else's.

Your past version is out of date, as the world has transformed.

And in the future, you'll have no idea what you can achieve.

So, who are you? You are the Process of Change.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Got your super-question? Share it!

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