The Force of Life / by Alexander Lyadov

In Indonesia, it's either dry for too long, or it rains too much. Downpours cause floods that can paralyze life. Yet Indonesians endure the inconvenience with a stoic smile, saying, "Sure, it's a flood. But at least it's not a biblical one!"

At first, the phenomenon is shocking; after a hundred times, it’s irritating, and then it just becomes background noise. You begin to see the difference between what's frightening and what's dangerous. The belief grows stronger: "Despite everything, life goes on."

This experience is invaluable. You can't buy it with money—only live through it. Through this process, you become more mature. What once seemed important now feels ridiculous. And vice versa.

Tectonic shifts don't just happen outside—in nature or society. One way or another, every person transforms.

Is this good or bad? That's the wrong question.

Is autumn worse than spring or summer? Is liquid water less valuable than steam or ice? The inevitable is natural; it just is.

In nature, society, and within ourselves, change is a constant. Often, we don’t understand or deny it, leading to suffering. But years later, we acknowledge: "Thank fate for everything happening as it did."

It’s a great fortune if gratitude arises now. Stress melts away. Ideas emerge. You feel like rolling up your sleeves.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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