The Evolution of Drama / by Alexander Lyadov

A person has the right to live in the drama he needs. His twists and turns are epic, but don’t let that bother you. No matter how much you want to help, you cannot. His drama brings him hidden pleasure. It's like a drug.

For his life to start changing, a man must be tired to death.

Tired of what? Of the chasm between an excess of form and a shortage of meaning.

There's a joke about a man selling beautiful balloons who whispers to a customer that the balloons are defective because they don't bring joy. The outward appearance doesn’t matter if the function is lost.

Everyone has a function, a reason for being here. Unfortunately, the manual on how to operate oneself isn't handed out at birth. So, the answer to the big question, "What for?" is something each person has to find on his own.

To make things worse, from childhood, our aim is thrown off, we are distracted from the true path, and we're fed bad advice. Some do this out of malice, others with good intentions (which is even worse).

A healthy process reveals itself through a vague longing: "This is not it." Sometimes, life teaches better through negation than affirmation.

The fact of a growing emptiness inside signals the need for something else.

This is how the sense of personal meaning sharpens. Everything around is scrutinized at the gate. What’s unnecessary and foreign is ruthlessly discarded. And gold dust starts to show up more often through the tons of dirt.

Valuable events happen on their own, important experiences are lived, and the right person is met. Your life quietly becomes what it was meant to be from the beginning.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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