The Duality of Being / by Alexander Lyadov


Poison and medicine differ only in dose.

Elevate the idea of life to the absolute, and you get death.

For instance, developed muscles are the foundation of health, longevity, and strength. Unfortunately, some well-known bodybuilders became crippled or left this life. They pursued the ideal too zealously and literally.

Some parents shield their children from any difficulties and sorrows. The kids grow up as fragile as glass, shattering from the slightest stroke of fate. Unrestrained love has crashed them.

The knight who slays the dragon will inevitably become the dragon himself. At least out of boredom. It's a real curse when you're the beloved savior of the people and there are no more enemies that threaten the world.

Therefore, it's not the phenomenon, idea, or intention that matters, but the sense of measure. Get too carried away, cross the line, and bam – you get an unexpected minus instead of the desired plus.

Knowing our tendency to be blinded by an idea, there needs to be a counterbalance from outside or within. In business, the board of directors serves this function from the outside; in personal life, it's a therapist; in sports – a coach.

Self-regulation is achieved by embracing the duality of life disciplined thinking, and the ability to rise above oneself:

  • philosophy,

  • meditation,

  • religion,

  • art, etc.

To paraphrase Jung, the goal is not for ideas to have us, but for us to have them.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.