The DNA of Organizational Culture / by Alexander Lyadov

No, culture is not just a set of values and rules for a company.

If you're a CEO or founder, Culture is You.

Similarly, it doesn't matter what parents teach their children. What matters is the behavior that kids observe daily.

The language of actions is far more convincing than the most beautiful words. But in the conflict between words and actions, even a child knows that the latter is truer.

That's why leaders who "instill" culture within a team make a mistake. They should step back and observe themselves with detachment and interest.

What disappoints them in their employees, they might find within themselves. This way, they could avoid pointless investments and violence against people.

It is known that the range of an arrow depends on the angle of aim. A slight change in the angle determines whether it will miss or hit the target. The mindset of a leader is simultaneously an eye, a bow, and an arrow.

The function of culture is to enable an organization to survive and thrive. In other words, it should facilitate adaptation to change.

Conclusion: the DNA of any culture is the willingness of leaders to initiate change within themselves.

Yours sincerely,


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