The Creator's Choice / by Alexander Lyadov

This photograph captures the essence of all life on Earth.

A caiman wrestles with an anaconda, while horseflies drink their blood.

Who is the victim, and who is the aggressor? It’s impossible to tell. One link in the food chain swallows another, only to be digested in turn, fueling the endless cycle.

Unlike other creatures, man has a choice.

He can blindly participate in this cycle. Instincts alone are enough to find food, reproduce, and build his shell—improving its size, comfort, location, and brand. Moreover, satisfying basic needs promises pleasure.

But apart from instincts, man has the gift of being aware of everything that happens around him and to him. Whether it’s a star's birth or a dung beetle's labor, consciousness illuminates whatever it touches.

Here Something emerges from Nothing, as in the light of a lantern on the sea floor.

The world around us is as infinitely rich as the world within. Exploring your subconscious can be as thrilling as digging up the ruins of the Maya civilization. Like fire, consciousness transforms what it finds into new shapes.

Carl Jung wrote beautifully on this:

“There the cosmic meaning of consciousness became overwhelmingly clear to me. "What nature leaves imperfect, the art perfects," say the alchemists... Now I knew what it was, and knew even more: that man is indispensable for the completion of creation; that, in fact, he himself is the second creator of the world, who alone has given to the world its objective existence without which, unheard, unseen, silently eating, giving birth, dying, heads nodding through hundreds of millions of years, it would have gone on in the profoundest night of non-being down to its unknown end. Human consciousness created objective existence and meaning, and man found his indispensable place in the great process of being."

So, to be or not to be a Creator—that’s a choice each one must make.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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