Synthesis or Doom: the Importance of Leverage in Business / by Alexander Lyadov

No matter how well designed a house is, it's not worth much if it's in a bad place.

Therefore, the mantra of the real estate industry is "Location. Location. Location."

There are many parameters for an object, but one stands out above the rest.

Context (geography, history, culture) gives meaning to everything.

Something may be unacceptable here, but over there is a perfect fit.

So, when solving a problem, it's important to understand its unique context.

Otherwise, the best tool will be useless or even harmful.

Also if the opponent is too strong, it's unwise to attack head-on.

It's better to study him, find a weakness, and suddenly strike in one spot.

In other words, task number one is to find the multiplier of your strength.

In most situations, experience tells you which shelf to take the lever from.

In non-standard situations, a synthesis of multiple approaches is needed.

Bottom line: the more desperate the impasse, the greater the need for creativity.

Yours sincerely,


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