Solving Pseudo-Problems / by Alexander Lyadov

our business is wasting resources on wrong solutions to wrong problems.

Here are some negative symptoms:
- Implementing decisions takes an eternity.
- Departments pursue their own local interests.
- You feel like a firefighter, not a founder or CEO.
- Overhead costs are rising faster than gross profit.
- Granting more freedom to employees leads to chaos.
- Top managers are vying for power among themselves.
- Customers complain about the quality of products/services.
- You're so exhausted that you just want to exclaim, 'Screw this...'

So, to rectify the situation, you try:
1. Hire a top-notch CxO.
2. Appoint a coach for every weak link.
3. Poach top sales talent from competitors.
4. Enroll in a course at a leading business school.
5. Bring in consultants for a new management framework.
6. Get your team more in sync through strategic meetings.
7. Invest in staff training, IT systems, reporting, and much else.

But like the heads of the Lernean hydra, the problems keep growing back.

One day you have to admit that the root of the problems is... you.

More precisely, some of your implicit assumptions are no longer valid.

Hooray, the real transformation of your business has begun!

But wait, when?

The moment when you became a true king of your own kingdom.

Sincerely yours,


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