Rituals to Defy Chaos / by Alexander Lyadov

Chaos begins with trivialities.

Simply failing to make your bed because of your operated knee.

Then comes the temptation: "I'll skip exercising too."

And if you didn't break a sweat, there's no need to shower today, right?

Thus, an unextinguished match ignites a fire in the dry forest.

Chaos, like a psychopath, follows the maxim: "Give me a reason to kill you."

Similarly, a virus patiently awaits the slightest crack in your immunity.

That's why preserving personal rituals is the hygiene of the psyche and mind.

And here, it's not about 100% reproduction but a symbolic act.

Does knee pain prevent the usual exercise routine?

No problem, you can work out with a lighter kettlebell while sitting or lying down.

The goal is to enter an optimal state for creativity and work.

It will determine the quality of your decisions and the vigor of your actions.

Conclusion: despite the pressure of chaos, you recreate order within.

Yours sincerely,


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