Reality of Dreams / by Alexander Lyadov

Every night, we go to sleep. This experience repeats so often that it's become routine. Yet, we don't know where we spend those 6-8 hours.

"Where? In bed!" the materialist would say. If asked about dreams, he'd scoff, "Trash, gibberish, nonsense." He can't explain this strange experience. A third of his life seemingly wasted.

My view on dreams changed after ​my ayahuasca ceremonies​. On a physical level, not just mentally, I understood: "There is another reality." It was magnificent and terrifying. I can't deny or forget it.

Despite the fantastical form, what I experienced there had deep meaning. It was personally addressed to me. As a result, I changed significantly. This process has continued for seven years now.

Dreams are like a light version of a psychedelic experience. Unpredictable plots, bizarre characters, sincere emotions. Dreams give insights if we want and know how to take them.

I treasure a few dreams. They shook me to my core. In Christianity, there's a concept of grace—a gift purely from God's mercy, which one doesn't earn.

It's ironic that I find treasures not in thick books or wise people's advice, but in ordinary dreams available to everyone each night.

Everything we need, we already have.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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