Model of society / by Alexander Lyadov

Model of society.
Anyone who has had experience in a psychotherapy group is usually surprised. You meet people there who are completely unknown to you, but very quickly you form a “cathode” and an “anode” — there is antipathy to someone, and you are drawn to someone with all your soul. With few exceptions, the first weeks or even months in the group can be uncomfortable. One participant complains that he “has no place,” to another “everyone is hostile,” and a third is “killed by boredom.” Reasons for conflict abound. Fortunately, in group, there is a therapist in charge, as well as rules of behavior. In this way, as in a petri dish, a nutrient environment is created, perfect for analyzing oneself and others. Inevitably there is the insight that the small group is a fractal reflection of your life in society.

You may have wanted to put yourself differently in your new company. But, after a few interactions, you slip into a familiar relationship with people, like a motorcycle pulling into a rut. By the way, in response to your complaints, you will get the astonished look: “To be honest, I had no intention of censuring (seducing, hating or comforting) you.” So wherever you find yourself, you reproduce your world using other people’s words and reactions as the building blocks you need. Sometimes you make an elephant out of someone else’s fly. And sometimes you don’t even need a fly — someone else’s silent presence is enough for your brain to explode with fireworks of hormones. And it’s the same distortion of reality that happens in all of us. Isn’t it a miracle that we understand each other at all?

What a person is like in small things is like in everything else. So even a tiny change in your behavior in a small group cannot fail to affect life as a whole. Engineering, science, martial arts and sports use the prototype, the model, the testing ground and the draft. In essence, a psychotherapy group is a laboratory for personal transformation. And if you are a CEO or founder of a company, any change you make will cascade positively to your team and business performance as a whole.

Yours sincerely,


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