Mind is Not the Master / by Alexander Lyadov

Our mind calculates everything in advance. It is constantly busy. Dangers must be eliminated. Opportunities shouldn't be missed.

We must admit, thinking has advanced humanity in terms of productivity, comfort, and protection from the hostile side of nature.

The mind is so convincing in its calculations and arguments that it’s easy to believe we not only need to, but can control the course of events.

Alas, upon closer inspection, it turns out that the mind doesn’t control many life processes:

  • regeneration of damaged tissue.

  • hormone production.

  • intestinal peristalsis.

  • heartbeat.

  • sleep.

  • falling in love.

  • trust in providence.

  • attraction to beauty.

  • interest in something.

  • premonition of trouble.

  • ability to forgive and love.

  • inspiration from a fresh idea.

  • search for personal path and meaning.

  • the moment when life fades or begins on Earth.

  • when history stands still or makes a leap forward.

It turns out that in truly important matters, the mind is useless and weak. Nothing lasts forever and everything is subject to destruction, only to be reborn again. The very idea of controlling life is absurd and naive.

Does this mean we should abandon the mind? No. For it is magnificent.

You must clarify your relationship with it: “You are not the master of life, but a servant. Perform your function. And remember your subordinate place.”

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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