Mind and Body / by Alexander Lyadov

Some folks believe that the body is simply a "taxi for the brain." The physical shell allegedly restricts their free-spirited nature.

I think this is due to the rise of abstraction in our lives: remote work via Zoom, video games, online dating, and social media "friends."

Constantly fine-tuning their virtual reality to suit their whims, people have come to believe that the physical world is as malleable as clay. But unlike a game or a program, physical reality isn't created for our pleasure and convenience.

Nature, society, and the body abide by objective laws and exist in their own right. So, when naïve intellectuals attempt to bend physical reality to their will, they receive a painful smack on the forehead.

Historically, the efforts of such people to revolutionize society only lead everyone to Dante's inferno, not the Garden of Eden. Excessive concern for nature, or the attempt to correct its "mistakes", leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem, the consequences of which are difficult to assess.

People either mutilate their own bodies whimsically, like Michael Jackson or completely ignore their needs until their body fails to function. However, the mounting scientific evidence supports what religious leaders, thinkers, and mystics knew thousands of years ago:

Consciousness is not confined to the brain; it is distributed throughout the entire body. Thus, not only does the mind influence the body, but the body also influences the mind.

Need a simple example? Download the intriguing app ​State​. Just three minutes of specific breathing patterns can enhance your focus, soothe your mind, or lull you to sleep.

Yours sincerely,


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