Managing Growth / by Alexander Lyadov

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"The definition of cancer is cell growth out of control," said ​Dr. Peter Attia​, a world-renowned longevity expert.

Such a perspective is sobering, especially when everyone around is obsessed with growth in various aspects - muscles, followers, or business assets.

Undoubtedly, the absence of development is suspicious. At best, it's a pause or a break, and at worst, it's a state of stagnation or death.

However, it doesn't mean that all growth is beneficial. The medical example above provides a criterion for when a malfunction occurs and why.

As long as growth serves its intended purpose, it's okay. For instance, increasing explosive strength is valuable for a wrestler to win matches. Similarly, it's gratifying when a retail network rapidly scales a proven format.

The problems begin when there is explosive growth, but it lacks an owner or regulator. This occurs during market booms, whether it was the tulip bulbs in the 17th century or the modern-day Bitcoin. Experts predict a wave of bankruptcies and restructurings for "successful" startups this year, which managed to attract massive investments based on a growing but economically unstable model.

It doesn't matter why control over the system was lost, whether it was due to fixation on surface-level metrics, lack of skills, or laziness. However, from that moment on, the system is doomed, like an ascending plane with a pilot who has ejected.

Conclusion: every time you witness rapid growth, don't rush to rejoice; instead, ask yourself, "Did I lose control or do I still retain it?"

Yours sincerely,


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