Manage the Distance / by Alexander Lyadov

When it comes to solving problems, choosing the right distance is key. This insight repeatedly surfaced during my explorations across various disciplines, including business mediation, the therapeutic technique of 'Focusing,' and Vipassana meditation. Essentially, one needs to reprogram his or her brain. Natural reactions don't help; they worsen the situation.

What do people usually do when they're stuck in a tough spot? One may charge the problem with clenched fists, another freezes, and a third rushes away. Alas, when you're faced with something completely unfamiliar, any knee-jerk reaction is your foe. Default behavior is only valuable for ordinary tasks. But when the nature of the phenomenon is unclear, its danger can be either tiny or immense.

The most sensible approach in such cases is to understand precisely what you're dealing with. To achieve this, you must thoroughly examine the phenomenon from all angles. Hence, the critical importance of choosing the right distance. Move too far away, and the flow of information vanishes. Get too close, and fear compels a reactive response. A Vipassana meditator learns to maintain equanimity, calmly observing uncomfortable sensations and thoughts. A professional business mediator must remain composed amidst intense corporate conflicts. A focuser knows that the problem itself points the way to a solution, provided you genuinely spend time alongside it.

Sincerely yours,


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