Learning at superspeed / by Alexander Lyadov

To become a professional, let alone a Master in any field, one must learn extremely quickly from year to year.

Learning is a function not so much of the incoming flow of knowledge as of the portion of it that is permanently retained inside.

It is clear how to increase the input flow - this task is solved by discipline, teaching methods and sufficient monetary resources.

But the coefficient of knowledge retention is a tricky riddle, it cannot be solved by an effort of will, punishment or reward.

The answer lies in the phenomenon of coupling itself, because in order to firmly retain knowledge, there must be a hook for its loop inside.

Ideally, the hook should be out of a person’s control, otherwise, depending on mood swings, it would cling and not cling.

What is this force that manifests itself freely and unpredictably in everyone, leaving us only one choice - to follow it or not?

Meet your Curiosity.

Yours sincerely,


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