Invisible Reality / by Alexander Lyadov

In the series "Vikings," the shipbuilder Floki explains his gift: "I look into the heart of the wood. In this tree, there are almost two perfect planks. They will curve like a woman's body from hips to shoulders. I will split this tree and take them out."

To an outsider, this sounds like mysticism or madness.

Floki sees what is already there, but cannot be seen.

This is how you recognize a master of his craft:

  • A boxing coach spots a weak but spirited kid.

  • An entrepreneur senses when it’s time to sell the business.

  • A therapist diagnoses a client through one WhatsApp message.

  • A surgeon decides to fight for a patient’s life when everyone else has given up.

They confidently risk their reputations, invest resources, and build the future on a foundation that seems nonexistent.

Most people believe that only what can be scratched with a fingernail or measured with a ruler is real. Their worldview doesn't allow for the emergence of new phenomena.

That's why reality constantly catches people off guard. Nothing was there, and suddenly, bam, a catastrophe—firing, betrayal, divorce, crisis, and so on.

The world around us is like a billion road signs. Their value lies not in the design, the quality of the metal, or the brightness of the paint, but in the message: "Slow down, there's a dangerous turn ahead."

One of the hardest transformations in business and life is to stop focusing on the finger pointing at the moon.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.