Imagine! / by Alexander Lyadov

To have a vivid imagination is a great gift. Its possessor enjoys boundless degrees of freedom. For example, he can imagine absolutely any future, solve in his mind an intricate problem or write a fascinating novel. But like any superpower, imagination is a double-edged sword that can injure or even kill someone who doesn’t know how to use it. Having a superpower within oneself does not mean commanding it. It takes a certain amount of work to become the one who pulls King Arthur’s sword from the stone. Until then, the gift does not sit and wait - it unpredictably manifests itself, turning the master into his slave. Craving or fear takes hold of a person’s will, directing him toward it or away from it.

As a result, one’s actions are based not on reality, but on a distorted version of it in one’s head. Without feedback, the farther one goes, the less the map reflects the terrain. When one runs confidently through the woods blindfolded, a violent collision is unavoidable. What is characteristic of this is an overreaction to the stimulus. What is characteristic of this is an overreaction to the stimulus. It is reminiscent of how, at the sight of a rope in the grass, a person with a fear of snakes steps from the sidewalk onto the roadway at the risk of being run over by a truck. By avoiding an imaginary danger, he exposes himself to a real danger. Playing games with the mind, you can lose.

That is why it is so important to carefully examine yourself, or rather, in what direction and under what conditions deviation usually occurs. You could say that all people limp (I certainly do), but everyone's limp is unique.. When your “factory failure” is studied in detail from all angles, it becomes difficult for it to catch you off guard. What’s more, you can even benefit tremendously. For example, during business therapy sessions, I help founders visualize in detail the negative scenarios they least want to happen. It’s a paradox, but their business strategy becomes orders of magnitude more sustainable and stronger as a result.

Yours sincerely,


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