How Uncertainty Wears A Company Down: Insights From Jiu-jitsu / by Alexander Lyadov

It doesn't matter how strong or flexible you are, or how good your cardio is. If you haven't been training for a few months, you're toasted after a couple of rounds of jiu-jitsu. Shortness of breath, foggy mind, numb hands, and the feeling of "Get away from me!" take over. The efficiency of power distribution is gone, specifically in jiu-jitsu. You "forgot" how to maintain the pace during several rounds, when to explode and when to rest. How so?

This increased uncertainty has erases your memory. The familiar environment turns into chaos that can harm you. Fear makes you unnecessarily tense, wasting energy. Weakness causes you to make mistakes, get scared, explode, and so on. The solution? Fight more often to learn to conquer unknown territory again.

That's why it's so important not to let uncertainty enter your business from the outside. Nothing wastes resources like it. You also need a reserve in case, figuratively speaking, hordes of barbarians besiege your city for a long time. But even sadder is when the owner creates confusion, chaos, and inconsistency in his (or her) own company. This often happens subconsciously because the founder's own dilemmas, remaining unresolved, push him to excessive actions in one direction or another. And here "fight more" is not the solution, as sometimes it takes years for the natural process of trial and error to provide a liberating insight. To accelerate progress in sports, an athlete invites an experienced coach. For a founder, this function is performed by an independent board of directors, coach, or psychotherapist.

Yours sincerely,


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