Harnessing Asymmetry: How to Gain the Edge in Business / by Alexander Lyadov

In the wild, there is no justice, only the efficiency of survival. The head of a lion pride doesn't engage in a noble battle against a powerful alpha bull to decide the fate of a buffalo herd. Instead, a group of lions stages a sudden hunt for the weakest individual to guarantee food and simultaneously reduce the risk of injury. Any trick is employed, including surprise, numerical advantage, and cunning traps, to create asymmetry that gives the predator an edge over its prey.

What could a naked, slow, clawless and fangless human do in response? Right, the same asymmetry, but pushed to the extreme. A rock in the hand or a spear with a pointed end is undoubtedly useful, but controlling the release of thermal energy is orders of magnitude more effective. The mastery of fire by ancient humans occurred, according to different estimates, from 400 to 2 million years ago, and became a turning point in human evolution. Since then, the diversity of forms of energy harnessed by humans has steadily expanded, from oxidation to nuclear fusion, making the "fire tamer" so powerful that he now poses a threat to himself.

The further I go, the more I am convinced that the best lever to create asymmetry is when there is no physical lever, but functionally, it exists. This means that figuratively, your mind is both a laser beam, an electric arc, and a flame. Maximum asymmetry arises not when a trembling hand grasps a stone, but when a person shapes their attitude towards the "predator" (problem) that tries to catch them off guard. Judging by my work with business founders, the return on investment of effort at this point is so colossal that, to be honest, I don't see the point of doing anything else.

Yours sincerely,


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