Freeing Attitude / by Alexander Lyadov

Clients sometimes trust me with things about themselves that no one else knows.

Why is this a secret? To them, it seems strange, ridiculous, terrible, and so on. But with my attitude, I prove to them: "It's not like that at all — in fact, there's normalcy, harmony, and beauty hidden in it."

This isn't some psychological trick; I truly believe this.

My certainty comes from personal experience, which I've lived through many times. It’s not a game of the mind, but a reality embodied in the flesh. Once you feel it within yourself, you can never forget it.

What I once thought was nonsense and filth in myself turned out to be a nugget of gold.

Without a psychotherapist, I wouldn't have been able to undergo such a metamorphosis. And believe me, I've tried every method, from the conventional to the exotic. None of it was in vain, but a Significant Other radically sped up the synthesis.

American philosopher and psychotherapist Eugene Gendlin said: "Most people have no one who will hear and receive their own inward experience just as it is. No one wants to know exactly how you experience your personal struggle. Everyone wants to edit it, change it, improve it, put his or her meaning onto it. Another person is a very powerful aid in letting one's feelings and meanings open up and develop through steps, but only if that other person can listen."

To see yourself without distortion and accept it — that's renewal.

Our perception of the “bogeyman” in ourselves only changes when we feel someone else's interest, admiration, and love for him. Just like after a season of drought, all of nature awakens with the first drops of rain, heralding a new cycle of life.

The more fully we accept ourselves, the more readily we accept others. Like a living chain, we pass on the fire that warms and frees us.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.