Founder's Questions / by Alexander Lyadov

If you’re a founder and you’re reading this text, you probably can’t say that the state of your business makes you extremely happy. Some aspect of it is causing you confusion, irritation, or anxiety. Things used to be different, but then something happened and a snowball of problems began to grow that are strikingly resistant to the usual “remedies”.

Although your situation is specific, it probably falls into one of three categories of typical problems. First, it is a lack of resources, from financial capital and talent to your personal time and energy. Second, it is a lack of or missing opportunities to develop your business and you as an individual. Third, it is disorientation, stupor and defocus in you as a leader as well as the rest of the company’s managers.

It looks like the rate of change in the world will increase exponentially every year. Customer needs will change faster. The familiar models and competitive advantages of companies will become obsolete more rapidly, and formerly blue oceans will turn to red ones. The range of competitors’ specialization will expand, and the boundaries between industries will blur. The volume of produced content will increase in an avalanche, worsening the Signal to Noise ratio. At the same time, more opportunities will open up. But they will also close faster.

Every founder will be more and more concerned with the following questions:
1) Where do I find the resources (money, talents, energy, time) to make my business survive and grow ahead of the competition?
2) Which of the opportunities will take my company to the next level?
3) What should be a priority for me and the team today and in the future?

I’m convinced that all the answers are in an unexpected place. More details later.

Yours sincerely,


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