Elusive Life / by Alexander Lyadov

Unknown photographer

Life doesn’t fit into any rules, concepts, or frameworks. Like a snake, it slips through our fingers.

We feel like we're losing control. This scares us. With renewed energy, we try to end all unpredictability.

Alas, the result is disappointing. Existence becomes static. Relationships become utilitarian. Increasing knowledge only drains meaning. The source of living water dries up.

A crazy thought flashes: "Maybe we should break everything and start from scratch?"

Or we crave freedom. Everything that limits us, we destroy to dust. There are no boundaries we wouldn't dare to blur.

After the liberation party comes the hangover. We lose our bearings in a world where everything is equally (un)important. The ground shakes under our feet. The river of life turns into a Flood.

In panic, we beg: "Let a tyrant come, just save us."

You see, there are good intentions, but sad results in both cases.

The main thing is, it doesn’t matter whether you start acting from the left or the right. Ecstasy will turn the original intention inside out like a sock.

Clinging to position X or (-X)? It means you've definitely lost.

The winner is the one who focuses on what creates each X, Y, and Z.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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