Ego Sacrifice / by Alexander Lyadov

It is terrible to feel like a complete fool. Yet, not ending up in that spot is even worse.

Without refreshing oneself, a person becomes a caricature or a zombie. He's alive, but his inner world is a mothballed museum.

You need a "water of life" in the form of new experiences, knowledge, and impressions. Unfortunately, this water doesn't always trickle; at times, it gushes like a deluge.

For example, your life may take a sharp turn due to fate. Or when you decide to delve into something radically new for yourself.

It's especially tough for someone who has already achieved heights in a certain field. "What? They're treating me like a kid?!" The mere thought discourages many from trying new things.

Yes, the most precious thing - the Ego - must be sacrificed. While the Ego deflates, a person experiences fear, pain, shame, and so on.

"Frustration, castration, and loss - it's the eye of the needle through which a camel (personality) must pass," said a wise person to me. It's easier to grasp it with the mind than it is to accept it with the heart.

Fortunately, the experience of past renewals has an anesthetic effect. You tell yourself, "Ah, yes, I remember. I felt just as awful when I launched X, got into Y, and decided on Z. So, I'll manage here too. It'll all get easier soon, for sure."

Some people's renewal muscles wither. In others, they grow stronger day by day. I bet readers of this mailing list pump it more often.

Sincerely yours,


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