Domesticate Fire / by Alexander Lyadov

One of the biggest questions in business and life is:

"What's the potential damage?"

Its benefit skyrockets when facing something new.

Imagine stumbling upon fire a million years ago. If you're not just curious but also cautious, playing with this "beast" won't kill you. Well, maybe you'll burn your hands or singe your eyebrows.

But in return for your experiments, you'll be rewarded beyond measure. Now, predators don't scare you, food tastes better and is easier to digest, and children grow up in warmth.

The point is, novelty always has a two-sided nature. As your reward, the numerator is a blessing, and the denominator is harm, the inevitable price. If you limit the denominator, that fraction will enrich you. Why? The numerator can reach as high as the sky.

Unfortunately, sometimes we misread such fractions. We either undervalue the prize or get scared of an imaginary price. As a result, a unique opportunity slips by.

But if we honestly answered the aforementioned question, we'd find that real risks are manageable, and the consequences are okay.

By the way, this explains why some people are discouraged, saying 'There are no opportunities,' while others exclaim, 'Opportunities are everywhere!'

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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