Delicate Balance / by Alexander Lyadov

When the outcome of a game is known in advance, it loses all appeal. Kids will quickly start looking for something else to do.

According to neuroscientist ​Jaak Panksepp​, even a rat refuses to invite a stronger rat to play-wrestle unless it is allowed to win at least 3 rounds out of 10.

The future must remain unpredictable to captivate, energize, and give meaning. But isn't stability what people want most?

A safe environment is enough for existence, but not for living. Absolute safety leads to stagnation, inertia, and death.

But try diving headfirst into the opposite extreme. When literally anything can happen, the world feels like a washing machine and a person is nothing but laundry.

So, we despise stagnation just as much as anarchy.

It’s clear why few people find harmony there. Mastery of this delicate balance is an art that can be a lifetime's work.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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