Creative Sabotage / by Alexander Lyadov

If you have the chance, it’s worth running the business yourself. Bring on as many contractors as you need, form alliances, but don’t rush to hire a team—especially not for trivial tasks.

Why? Because every person has a spark of creativity and craves meaning.

Of course, this manifests in a broad spectrum. Some people may seem far removed from “higher matters.” But no, they just don’t use those words. Their behavior speaks volumes.

I remember a driver at our ad agency. In the middle of the day, he was often nowhere to be found. “Where’s Valera? Where did he disappear to?” The managers would scramble to find him so he could deliver important documents to clients.

He figured out that with a fixed salary, the best way to maximize his benefit was to avoid getting behind the wheel as much as possible. All his creative energy went into playing a game of hide-and-seek.

What did this mean for the business? Frustration, delays, and losses.

Now imagine half your staff acting exactly like that. Every day, they invent clever ways to meet their personal goals, which, unfortunately, are far removed from the company’s goals.

You’ll be exhausted fighting this endless entropy.

The more skilled, experienced, and mature a person is, the easier it is to align his motivation with the company’s vision. A true professional will even challenge the CEO and owners, asking, “What’s the purpose of all this?”

The best of them don’t need to be told “how.” Just give them:

  1. A clear destination.

  2. The reason it matters.

  3. Authority to act.

  4. Resources to execute.

  5. A fair reward.

These people will unlock their potential for the greater good. You won’t need to micromanage them. They’ll work while the CEO sleeps. They’ll go the extra mile and pitch new ideas to the board.

Building a business with people like that is pure joy. If you don’t have that option, you’ll achieve more on your own.

Yours sincerely,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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