Creating Myself / by Alexander Lyadov

There are many areas of knowledge where I'm completely clueless.

Yet, globally, no one pulls off what I do.

Does it sound cocky? Not at all.

To grab my skills, one needs to follow my odd journey:

  • Chemist-analyst

  • Advertising man

  • Entrepreneur

  • Wealth manager

  • Venture capitalist

  • Business therapist...

I've switched professional IDs more than once. But beyond biz, I've gathered diverse experiences—be it creativity, travel, or sports.

Every time, I plunged headfirst into a new activity. Genuine curiosity guided me. That's why learning happened very fast.

Couldn't predict every twist, but now, looking back, "connecting the dots" is easy. By exploring different disciplines, I was essentially exploring myself.

For my current passion, none of the existing names suited. That's why I had to make it up. A business therapist is a synthesis of a peculiar mix of ingredients. But each of them was essential.

What was your journey like to get to where you are now?

Sincerely yours,


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”Who are you and what do you do?"
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

"I have an important business decision to make. Can you help me?
Reserve a time on my calendar that is convenient for you to meet with me. We'll clarify your request and discuss options for how you can help.