Context Matters / by Alexander Lyadov

In business, as in life, context is crucial.

Today, a certain method or software might be the ace up your sleeve. Tomorrow, it could be headed for the junkyard.

Or take a shovel, for instance. It's not disappearing anytime soon. But in one scenario, it's your lifeline; in another, it's excess baggage.

Things are patterns that people make into tools. Not my idea, but it's deep. I often ponder over it.

Calculator, tambourine, terrain map, Six Sigma, or Photoshop.

We often overvalue tangible things. At the same time, we tend to undervalue the implicit.

Sometimes, it costs us dearly. Like when we stubbornly cling to a familiar tool, even though the landscape has drastically changed. Either update its functionality or say goodbye to it.

Why does this happen? We ignore the context that birthed the tool. How to know? Use causes discomfort, friction, failure, or even injury.

So when your reliable tool suddenly fails, recall the conditions and purpose for which it was made.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.