Conquer Giants with Tech / by Alexander Lyadov

If your opponent is much bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you, what should you do? Increasing your mass and strength is important, but genetics have their limits. You cannot increase your height, and investments in strength will soon show diminishing returns.

The only thing that has no limit is technology. At first glance, it's a set of useful techniques and approaches. A system that combines techniques into a bush is even more effective. It's even better if you have a strategy that takes into account the context, the opponent's strengths and weaknesses, and of course your own.

The key element of the strategy is your Leverage or Edge, i.e., an advantage that makes your opponent fight the Invisible Man or King Kong. This can be an unnoticed kimono turn or, even better, counterintuitive mental models. The ideal scenario is when you consciously influence the quality and speed of your opponent's decision-making. Then your minimal impact will surprise the opponent, cause a stupor, and ultimately collapse.

Yours sincerely,


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