Chaos and professionalism / by Alexander Lyadov

“The longer you play, the less influence luck has. Like with all things, the bigger your sample size, the more the quality of your decisions or your strategies matter,” says Liv Boeree, poker champion and science popularizer. Great motivation to find your “game” as early as possible and stay active in it as long as possible, right?

When we first start doing something new, especially if it’s urgent, important, and not by choice, we inevitably get bogged down in chaos. Our heads spin and our hearts explode in our chests. Everything seems equally important. The eyes of unknown predators burn in the darkness. Traps lurk at every turn. In time, however, as the joke goes, “Horror! Horror! Horror!” turns into “Just horror.”

The main thing is that a pattern begins to shyly emerge amidst the chaotic mess of events and impressions. A rut rolls by itself, which the mind cannot fail to notice. More and more often you manage to guess what will happen next. This calms your psyche, and therefore increases your ability to focus and analyze. The feedback loop speeds up, which methodically makes your “model of reality” fuller and more accurate. You move with confidence, notice deviations in time, make decisions prudently, and put them into action with amazing speed. At least in your business, uncertainty is almost never an obstacle to you. On the contrary, thanks to your growing optionality, novelty only delights you, offering one gift after another.

Congratulations! You have become a true professional. The Mastery is just around the corner.

Yours sincerely,


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