Can Anyone Really Hear You? / by Alexander Lyadov

Unknown photographer

Entropy will steadily increase in a closed system, as established by thermodynamics. This applies to a corked boiler heating up and to a person who keeps all their emotions and thoughts to themselves. Eventually, any system will reach its limit and explode in some form, whether it's a social media outburst, workplace conflict, or a physical illness. Energy will always find a way out, taking us, as usual, by surprise.

No matter how strong our willpower, patience, or habit of self-control, we need at least one hole in the lid to release the steam. Knowing that there's a way out significantly soothes the system. Yes, there's no solution yet, but I know for sure who can help me find it. In other words, I'm not alone and can be truly heard and understood.

Unfortunately, the role of an attentive and trusting listener is not suitable for everyone. You have to be a strong person, not physically or intellectually, but in terms of the courage to explore and accept the darker side of yourself. While a weak personality clings to illusory but simple and therefore lulling explanations of a frightening phenomenon, a strong personality is able to endure ambivalence in the self and therefore in the other. How many people do you know who genuinely reach for the multi-factorial dynamics of truth rather than the flat statics of dogma? I am not talking about spiritual giants - hermits in mountain hermitages, but lay people living ordinary lives who are half a head taller than you and me.

With ultimate responsibility for the business and everyone it feeds, the founder is regularly under intense internal stress. The wicked irony is that there are even fewer in his (her) immediate environment whom he considers strong and whom he can trust. So what to do? Invest more in the search. Whether it is an entrepreneurial community, an advisory board, a coach or a psychotherapist, the main thing is to go beyond your system.

Do you have someone you can be very open with about anything?

Yours sincerely,


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