Beyond the Tangible / by Alexander Lyadov

Someone will insist that there's nothing in this picture.

But you will surely laugh and say, "Come on! There are plenty of objects here!"

In the same way, the gaze of a master differs from that of a novice. The latter notices and values only what is tangible and literal, ignoring everything else. Every phenomenon needs to be held, measured, or treated with acid for the novice to admit, "Yes, this thing actually exists."

The word "reality" holds a different, broader meaning for the master. Through the celestial palette, they foresee an impending storm. By the engine's squeak, they recognize a breakdown and diagnose based on what the patient doesn't say.

An expert discerns the function through a barely perceptible pattern, rather than an obvious form. Thanks to this, there's a chance to prevent, preserve, or improve something. The advantage of the implicit state lies in its flexibility, allowing for much to be accomplished.

In this sense, entrepreneurs are intriguing because their activities often appear incomprehensible, dangerous, and foolish to those around them. It's obvious to the onlookers that there's nothing valuable where founders are searching. They fail to realize that founders are weaving a pattern with light and transparent threads, which will eventually gain strength and color. The paradox lies in the fact that the further entrepreneurs peer into the future, the more alone they feel on the road to it.

Yours sincerely,


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