Beyond Polarities / by Alexander Lyadov

Opposites define each other. You can't say "light," "easy," or "truth" without implying "dark," "heavy," or "lie." Otherwise, it makes no sense.

And while polarities seem locked in fierce conflict, their very existence depends on the presence of their counterpart. But what if there is none?

Let's say I declare myself to be Order. Soon enough, I'll start to feel uneasy, restless, and bored. Everything seems perfect, yet something is missing.

To fill this void, I must proclaim to someone, "You are Chaos." A struggle may follow, but within it, there's energy, movement, and goal.

In the beginning, there was nothing, and then I created something. If you add a cathode to a solution with an anode, you get a directed flow of particles. This transfer of energy allows for creation and destruction of anything.

It turns out that polarities have meaning not in themselves or their conflict, but as part of a greater meta-process that surpasses them both.

So, perhaps the polarities did not initiate the Process (and certainly not me).

On the contrary, the Process came first—it gave birth to everything.

But this also means that opposites are the same phenomenon. Their endless struggle is like a mother's labor contractions, pushing new life forward.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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