Barrier to start / by Alexander Lyadov

I don’t remember once regretting my decision to go to training.

But every other time I have doubts about whether or not to go today.

Often in the process I start to get satisfaction.

And afterwards, 99 times out of 100 I am grateful to myself that I went.

What does this tell you?

It is difficult to invest, even when the return is assured.

After all, the conditions here are almost perfect.

A favorite sport, a comfortable gym, a reliable sparring partner - what else?

Still, every time I have to overcome a barrier.

Sleep deprivation, stress, colds, injuries, and discouragement only raise the barrier.

Now let’s imagine the situation reversed.

You are forced to train under conditions: nasty, expensive, far away.

Now the barrier is too high for the investment to ever get back.

Our wise body will not allow such a waste of resources.

Conclusion: you want to train efficiently, passionately, and for a long time?

Lower the barrier.

By the way, that’s true about business and anything else, not just sports.

Yours sincerely,


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