Are you a Vendor or an Expert? / by Alexander Lyadov

In the service business, the Expert receives the highest reward.

The reason is simple: he creates maximum value for the client.

The benefit of the services of even the most reliable and diligent Provider has a limit.

Why? The Provider believes that the client has diagnosed his problem correctly.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with truly complex problems.

For you can’t solve a problem within the system that caused it.

It requires an outside perspective, knowledge of patterns, and a focus on the truth.

The hallmark of the Expert is that:

  1. he knows how to pull both to a meta-level over the problem.

  2. He understands the non-obvious patterns of industry and human behavior.

  3. he cares more about the truth than his client’s comfort, his own convenience, or his fee.

Not surprisingly, in any industry, Vendors will be in the majority.

This is great news if becoming an Expert is your goal.

Such a high barrier means you have no real competition.

Yours sincerely,


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