Allow the Impossible / by Alexander Lyadov

A couple of days ago, in the grappling match, I messed up my toe. The joint swelled up. I can walk, but I'm limping badly. Today, I debated - hit the training or give it a pass?

On one hand, jiu-jitsu is pure chaos. So, the risk of making the injury worse is sky-high. On the flip side, if I wait for perfect health, the kinomo in the closet will gather dust.

I want to grapple, but I can't.

I cracked this dilemma about five years back, same injury. I told my opponents, "Let's start in a position that suits you. You've already got my back, choking the life out of me. And I'll be on the defense."

The scale of our showdown shrunk to a tiny area (my neck). Yet, the intensity stayed high, even went up. Main thing - my legs are safe, 'cause they're almost out of the game.

The insight applies beyond the mats. In business and life, we face dilemmas that seem to have no good solutions. Try describing the desired outcome paradoxically:

"I go all in grappling, zero risk of hurt."

Then, live with that thought. Yeah, it seems impossible. Yeah, there's no solution right now. Treat it like a mental experiment.

It's like a famous koan: "Show me the sound of one hand clapping." That's how a Zen Buddhist teacher helped a student reach enlightenment, going beyond the limits of logical thinking.

Find the solution, and you'll be like, 'Why didn't I see this before?!'.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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