Why Did the Clock Stop? / by Alexander Lyadov

“Did the clocks stop?!” we exclaim, checking the time again. It happens when what we’re doing feels dull compared to what we could be doing instead.

So, what are the options here?

  1. Maybe the task is boring or unpleasant, but it has to get done.

  2. We struggle to find meaning in everyday activities.

  3. We ignore the quiet pleading of our souls for something else.

In the first case, discipline, habit, or pairing activities can help. For example, I’ve turned workouts into a ritual. When I clean or wait for something, I listen to my favorite podcast.

Sometimes, I even feel sad when the line moves too quickly.

The second case is different. This person is always rushing, meticulously measuring time, tracking efficiency, and fuming when someone slows him down. In chasing achievements, he risks missing the point—Life itself.

And, by the way, mind-blowing insights often come in moments of stillness. Even monkeys in studies solved problems faster when they stepped back and gazed around for a few minutes.

The third case is the toughest. When you’ve been off your path for too long, there’s no clear alternative—just a vague protest: “This isn’t it!” You might numb yourself with alcohol or binge-watch shows, but the gnawing question inside grows louder: “What am I living for?”

Fortunately, every misstep we make points us toward our goal.

Logic can help here, especially the kind where negation loops back to identity. Using a double negative, we can return to the truth:

not(not-A) = A.

In this way, the process of “thesis → antithesis → synthesis” can lead us to a renewed sense of self. Like a new scientific paradigm, it will include the past but offer a better understanding of the world, people, and ourselves.

Step #1 is what you’re doing right now—turning every mistake into raw material. Learn to value the hidden meaning within them.

Yours sincerely,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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