Paradise Paradox / by Alexander Lyadov

In this picture, you see paradise. Doesn't it seem that way? Maybe the dirt, the creatures, and the stagnant swamp water throw you off?

But these are perfect conditions to thrive safely... for frogs. If a person saw this, it would be the moment before he or she sank.

We're just too different from tailless amphibians. Their paradise is our hell. And vice versa.

All frogs desire the same thing. But what about people?

Take liberals and conservatives, for instance.

Liberals love blurring boundaries—traditions, territories, and terms. It promises them endless potential for creativity, growth, and joy.

Conservatives feel disgust at such initiatives. Their world is like a body whose boundaries must be protected at all costs. Otherwise, germs, fungi, and crazy ideas will destroy it.

How can they understand each other? Their ideals are just too different.

This is an innate difference in personality types, especially in the traits of Openness and Conscientiousness. Liberals have the former in spades, while conservatives excel in the latter.

There will always be high tension between them. In the worst case, this tension will erupt into conflict. But what about the best case?

That's why the Garden of Eden is paradoxical. Opposites exist, but without contradiction. This is the true ideal.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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