Grateful Mindset / by Alexander Lyadov

What does it mean when you hear words like these?

"I could handle it if I had more:

  • time,

  • people,

  • funding,

  • opportunities,

  • support from the top, etc."

These are all excuses. Exceptions are rare.

Look at how a person handles what he (or she) already has. If there are signs of carelessness and waste, the diagnosis is clear.

He will squander, miss, or drink it all away, no matter how much you give him. But every time, he won’t be to blame—his enemies or circumstances will be.

It's different when someone has a system that accounts for every cent. There are criteria for selecting projects. Mistakes are analyzed and learned from. Every bottleneck is squeezed dry.

Such a person doesn’t whine about what he doesn’t have. He’s too busy boosting efficiency, margins, or ROI by a few more percentage points.

Interestingly, such a person doesn’t have to look for resources. Capital, people, and opportunities come knocking at his door. In negotiations, he doesn’t sell anything; he just states the facts.

Why? These individuals are scarce in any society.

Their personality is a perfect blend of:

  • conscientiousness,

  • responsibility,

  • attentiveness,

  • creativity,

  • humility,

  • and gratitude.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

How can I help you?
If you've long been trying to understand what is limiting you and/or your business and how to finally give important changes a push, then The Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you. Book it here.