Three Life Burns / by Alexander Lyadov

Looking back, I see that I usually got burned in three cases:

  1. Was inattentive.

  2. Trod on someone else’s path.

  3. Was unprepared for the challenge.

I do not single out force majeure or other people’s evil intentions. They fit into one of the three categories above.

Number three - incompetence - it’s the simplest. After a tap on the nose, usually, it’s clear where the deficiency lies. Don’t be lazy, learn, train methodically, and one day you’ll become a master.

Another’s path - a tad trickier. Life’s full of temptations. Especially if you don’t know yourself well. No one teaches this comprehensively. You’ve got to gather knowledge bit by bit on your own.

Inattention is the primary issue. In fact, it even contributes to the other two.

First, you need to master your attention. If you’ve tried focusing breathing on the tip of your nose for an hour, you get it. The world is constantly stealing it and tearing it apart.

Yet this skill is nothing without clarity on where your attention should be directed. It’s the territory of meaning. You can’t rent it out. Meaning is always only yours.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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