Lever of Victory / by Alexander Lyadov

Each of us grappled as kids. Or watched dogs play. Usually, the one on top wins, especially if he's bigger and heavier. The loser lies helpless on his back.

This is the dynamic of animal, child, or novice confrontations. But everything changes when the opponents have some knowledge and skills.

Let's say you end up on your back with a bigger opponent looming over you. Does that mean defeat is near?

Absolutely not. This might be your favorite position to attack from.

A fierce opponent turns into a teddy bear if you position his center of gravity directly over you. Break his contact with the ground slightly and you can throw him in any direction you want.

I discovered this insight in childhood when I briefly took judo. The throw with a foot push to the torso (Tomoe Nage) amazed me. It feels like magic — such an unstoppable lever emerges.

But you must take a counterintuitive step for this principle to work. Metaphorically speaking, you must not shy away from the attacking beast, but dive right into its jaws.

Sincerely yours,


About me:
As a business therapist, I help tech founders quickly solve dilemmas at the intersection of business and personality, and boost company value as a result.

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